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Best Canadian Immigration News Digest

Best Canadian Immigration News Digest 

Canada’s labour force is primarily fueled by immigration.
Between 2016 and 2021, 1.3 million new immigrants arrived in Canada permanently, the most recent immigrants documented in a Canadian census. Nearly one-fourth of registrants in the 2021 Census were either landed immigrants or had permanent resident status in Canada. Anticipate immigration to be the sole driving factor of Canada’s population increase by 2032.

The Canadian population is aging, and the proportion of working individuals to pensioners will fall to 2 to 1 by 2035. #Census, #labour_force_growth, #foreign_workers, #statistics, #Canadajobs,, #CVISIMMIGRATION

Best Canadian Immigration News Digest

Under Canada’s latest immigration plan, Quebec could see a rise in immigration.
Quebec Immigration Minister Christine Frechette announced that the province will not boost immigration levels after Canada unveiled its newest immigration strategy, which set unprecedented objectives for the next three years. On Tuesday, Quebec’s new immigration minister tweeted in French, “Quebec is now responsible for defining its own permanent immigration objectives.” Quebec has a limit of 50,000 new permanent residents it may accept.

Frechette noted that the province’s position had not changed. To maintain the French language and culture, Quebec needs stricter immigration restrictions. #Quebec, #immigration_levels, #francophone_immigration, #Frechette, #Canadajobs,, #CVISIMMIGRATION

Best Canadian Immigration News Digest

Over the last decade, Canada has not changed its top source countries.
Within the recent decade, China, India, and the Philippines were the primary countries of origin for immigrants to Canada as well as the top source nations. With 33,018 immigrants in 2011, China was Canada’s leading source nation. The Philippines came in second with 32,747 immigrants, and India came in third with 28,943 immigrants.

However, in 2021, India topped the pack with 127,933 immigrants, while China fell to 31,001, and the Philippines fell even farther behind with just 18 021 residents emigrating. In 2021, a record-breaking 406,000 immigrants will have made Canada their permanent home. #China, #India, #Philippines, #Immigrate_to_Canada, #Statistics, #Canadajobs,, #CVISIMMIGRATION

Best Canadian Immigration News Digest

A record number of jobs are available in Canada’s healthcare sector.
According to a new Statistics Canada study, there are more healthcare job openings than ever before. In August 2022, there were 152,000 open posts in healthcare and social assistance. Many immigrants fill healthcare occupations in Canada. Indeed, 36% of physicians and 25% of registered nurses were born outside of the United States. However, foreign-trained medical professionals may find it difficult to obtain the necessary licensing from Canadian authorities, making it challenging for them to locate work in the healthcare system.
#Statistics_Canada, #healthcare, #nurses, #statistics, #Canadajobs,, #CVISIMMIGRATION

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